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Take the Leap

July 27, 2020

We are all in different stages of our journey. Each one of us has a lifetime of experiences under our belt, Our emotions are unique to us alone. Our thoughts, feelings, anxieties, fears, hopes, and joys belong to us.

My experience of the world will be different than yours. My experience of my life will be different to yours.

I walk through this life jumping from one adventure to the next. Soaking in the knowledge, the wisdom, the fear, the pain, and sometimes the sorrow that comes with each new step. Each new breath of air.

I follow my heart and my passion. I believe in a world where simply following the voice inside of me, my inner wisdom, is enough to carry me forward. With no proof or logic, with no roadmap or plan.

I carry my weight with the full belief that I can do it. I carry my weight with the support of those who surround me lifting me up, reminding me of who I am when I stand tall and courageously step into the unknown.

There are days where I fly. There are days when I can all but breathe.

I walk forwards, believing deep inside that I am headed where I need to go. Where I want to go.

The path is not without trials. There are struggles to overcome. There is self-doubt to reckon with. There is perfectionism and imposter syndrome and anxiety to rein in.

And for every moment of worry is a moment of wonder – at the magic that unfolds each and every day. And so I continue down the path of the unknown trusting that my intuition is carrying me where I want to be.

I trust in the voice that does not quiet. I trust in myself. And I take a leap.