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Leading Virtual Teams Online Course Launch!

Want to become a better virtual leader?

April 24, 2020

The Leading Virtual Teams Online Course has Launched!

I am so excited to announce that the Leading Virtual Teams Online Course has officially launched! This program has been developed over the last couple of months to bring you the most up-to-date, relevant, and practical leadership skills that you need to be able to lead your team virtually.

Leading Virtual Teams is a straightforward, easy-to-navigate online course that tackles the everyday business challenges faced by virtual teams around the globe and empowers leaders, like you, to work effectively with your team, without burning out.

Included in the course are:

  • 4 Easy-to-follow modules that teach you the exact skills you need to be a good virtual leader
  • 1 Bonus module to help you lead your team during a crisis
  • 8 Concise videos delivering content that helps you to build your confidence & skill as a leader
  • 8 Customized workbooks designed specifically to deepen your learning around each leadership principle you learn, and to give you plenty of exercises to start practicing your new skills today. 
  • Exclusive access to The Courage Factory’s Online Leaders Community to get the support you need from peers and experts to improve your virtual leadership today

Watch this video them come check out to learn more about the course and how you can sign up.

Cannot wait to help more online leaders lead with confidence, courage, and purpose during these challenging times!

Maybe you aren't quite ready for the course, but you know someone else who would benefit? Feel free to share the details.

Looking forward to see you in class!
