• Transformational Coaching

  • Level Up Your Leadership. Dare to Dream Big. Create Extraordinary Impact.


    Fear can hold us back from the success we truly desire. It keeps us small, stuck in our comfort zones, and afraid to take risks. As a visionary leader or entrepreneur, you may have big dreams, but figuring out how to make them happen can be overwhelming.


    That's where I come in. I'm here to help you tap into your exponential potential and move forward with confidence and trust in yourself.


    Through speaking engagements, transformative programs, and coaching, I'll support you in becoming an inspiring leader in all areas of your life. Let's ditch the excuses and create the success you deserve.

  • Ready to break free from fear and self-doubt, and step into your intuitive superpowers?

  • Ready to Unleash Your Inner Magic and Lead with Your Whole Heart?


    You sense something bigger is possible and you're ready to unleash your creative power, but it's hard to figure out what it is you truly want and then to find the confidence you need to actually go for it.


    You are not alone.


    The Courage Factory helps you access your inner guidance system so that you can become a leader who inspires others while staying true to yourself. Our work together will push the edge of your comfort zone and remove any blocks while helping you to realize what it is you truly want and how to make it happen.

  • Imagine:

    • Feeling deeply connected to your own inner knowing
    • Creating a life and career that feels completely aligned with your true essence
    • Having clarity on what step you should take next
    • Believing deeply in yourself and your ability to lead
    • Finally realizing your full potential

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    I was once where you are.

    For years I worked in corporate jobs and big NGOs trying to find the place where I felt valued and fulfilled. As the Director of Design for a leadership development consultancy, I knew that in the eyes of the outside world I had already “made it” but I still felt like something was missing – like I had to leave a huge part of myself at the door when I got to work each day.


    I started dreaming of ways that I could help people (and myself!) to truly love showing up to their work and feel truly fulfilled in their lives. I knew in my heart that so much of my own dissatisfaction had nothing to do with the job itself, but with the lack of inspiring and empowering leadership which would allow me to unlock my own potential and lead my teams confidently and authentically.

  • I knew there was a better way to lead a business, team, and myself - and the path to get there would be unconventional.

  • I found the courage to take a big leap.

    I left my position as the Director of Design, became certified as a professional coach, and started exploring the transformational fields of energy work and holistic healing. I combined these new insights and practices with the deep inner work that I had been steadily doing for the last 10 years, ever more deeply honing my intuition.


    It took me time to embrace my new persona as an entrepreneur and a catalyst for deep and lasting personal transformation. Plus, I had many hurdles to overcome to feel more confident, creative and courageous.


    But with the support of a coach, a business mastermind, spiritual teachers, and my own commitment to personal growth, I developed a unique transformational style of coaching and facilitating meaningful conversations.


    Today, I specialize in working with visionary leaders and creative entrepreneurs, helping them bridge the gap between feeling disconnected from themselves and their work to accessing their intuition, cultivating self-awareness, and bringing joy into their business and life.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Together we will transform the way you lead your life so you can show up to everything you do with your whole heart.

    Here's what's in it for you:

    A Partner in Crime | I’m all in with you

    We will work side-by-side for a minimum of six months to unlock your creative potential. This program is customized to meet you exactly where you are today. You will have total access to me throughout the entire program. Together we’ll find a rhythm and cadence that empowers you to allow your inner brilliance to shine and transform your life.

    Big Dreams | Figure out what it is you really want in your life

    Your dreams are bigger than you realize and are just waiting to be discovered. Together, we will uncover your deepest desires and discover your greater purpose in life so that you know what you're working towards and why. Your vision for the future will become so clear nothing can stop you from bringing it to life. And I am there to remind you of what you're capable of every step of the way.

    Fierce Courage | Face what’s not working in your business (and life)

    You are more capable than you could ever have imagined. Our coaching will enable you to show up powerfully and courageously in your business and life - and will empower you to let go of what's not working. With every new stage in life we must first let go of what no longer serves us in order to create room for what does. Once we let go, the creation can begin.

    Deep Inner Work | Uncover your true essence

    You will dig deep to uncover who you are at your core - the person you are naturally without even having to try. We’ll find what’s hidden beneath the surface and might be standing in the way of you fulfilling your dreams. You will reconnect to your intuition and infuse every area of your life with a calm and grounded sense of knowing.

    Transformation | Alignment & Connection

    Connecting with one’s inner essence brings a sense of fulfillment and conviction. You will radiate confidence and energy in everything you do. Your team will look up to you as a role model, wondering what's the secret. Your transformation will not only captivate those close to you, but will also inspire you to keep showing up and growing on your journey. You will, once again, be in the driver's seat of your own business and life.

    Focus & Flow | Integration

    Transformation shows up in every area of your business and life. You will have learned invaluable tools that you can use whenever you face a decision or a challenge you haven’t met before. You will have all of the skills and inner wisdom to fully integrate what you have learned in a powerful and courageous way. Your business will leave you feeling undeniably grateful.

  • Going all in on yourself helps you:

    • Unlock your true potential and ignite your inner fire
    • Lead your business with purpose and conviction
    • Create a lasting impact
    • Connect deeply with who you are at your core
    • Clarify your vision for the future and take inspired action
    • Trust the power of your own intuition
    • Cultivate a deep and grounded confidence

  • Client Success Stories

    Read more stories here.

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    Entrepreneur & Founder

    "I clearly understand what I want to do in life (hard to beat that with a sequel). I am generally a happier person. I understand my priorities better. Though there is much room for improvement, and much to be done, I like who I see in the mirror every morning. Amanda is a great coach who genuinely cares about what she does and uses her craft to help others. If she can help me, she can help anybody."

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    Entrepreneur & Mother

    "Thanks for being in my life. You help me feel good about myself and I love that you push me and challenge me. I give you permission to push harder and challenge me more. I’m ready. I want it!"

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    Writer & Business Developer

    "Coaching has been extremely meaningful to me. I feel more "awake" than I have in a long time. That can be both exhilarating and painful, but there's no question it's an improvement. There have been so many big insights for me that feel like guideposts I'll use for the rest of my life."

  • Professional Degrees & Certifications

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    Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)

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    Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

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    Certificate in Change Leadership

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    Executive MBA from IE Business School

  • This transformational coaching experience is focused on one thing: helping YOU live your life as the most powerful version of yourself.

    If you are ready to mentally, emotionally, and financially invest in yourself, to finally break through those blocks and change the status quo, let's talk. The investment for working with Amanda 1:1 begins at £8.500 GBP.